My uncle died suddenly last month and I found myself and the boys traveling halfway across the country for his funeral and to deal with family matters. Everything within me wanted to stay home. Yet I knew I needed to go. Helping my mom prepare for the funeral, dealing with homesick, griefstriken children, and dealing with my own emotions as well as just matters of life left me feeling more alone than I have felt in a long time. And I found myself looking to the landscape often and recalled Psalm 121
"I lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD which made heaven and earth." I understood in a new way why my grandmother loved this Psalm. And I pondered what things she faced that made her lift up her eyes to these same hills. There is a great comfort of knowing the same God she turned to was the same God I was looking to as well. And knowing He is the Maker of heaven and earth gave me acceptance that I was were I was for a purpose. I am home now and am I ever so glad to be home. Yet I brought with me a picture of my Grandmother's hills to remind me of where my help cometh from.
I'm so glad to see another post from you. :)
Isn't it comforting to know that our Lord is the same yesterday, today & tomorrow?
I'm glad you're home safely from your trip.
Sorry about your loss, Christine. Praying your heart will be continually comforted by the reminder of God's abiding presence. I enjoy reading your posts. :)
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