December 30, 2008

My Word for 2009

I replied on a forum recently about what word I would be concentrating on for 2009. Many women had chosen great words: alert, devotion, finish, joy, restoration, trust, shine, etc. After much thought I chose the word: FOCUSED

To be more focused on my God, instead of my circumstances.

To be more focused on the heart of my children, instead of their actions.

To be more focused on my goals for each day, instead of what I can't possibly get done.

To be more focused on praying about things, instead of just taking action on things.

To be more focused on God's truth, so I can detect satan's lies, instead of just accepting things as truth.

To be more focused on the life after this one, instead of only on this life.

To be more FOCUSED

So how about you? What word would you chose for 2009?

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