August 23, 2008

Our School Principal

The Lord is a tough principal. We are a homeschooling family and as I tell the boys often, I am the teacher, but God is the principal. This year He took my original game plan and changed it all around. Had me pull away from somethings I was comfortable with and try some new things that are stretching me as a teacher. He has also revealled to me areas I needed to improve on. Talk about sitting in the Principal's office!! Then just this week, our third week of school, the Lord showed me why my son was loathing a subject. God's timing is always perfect and this time was no exception. My son was about to take a unit test and an end of the book test which he would have bombed due to him struggling with a couple of concepts. So I threw my teacher pride out the window and we took some steps backwards and are proceeding forward cautiously making extra sure that each lesson is cemented before proceeding to the next one. But the greatest result is the struggle between my son and me on this subject is gone. I understand now why he dreaded it and he is understanding that he was making it more complicated then it needed to be. Instead of butting heads, we are on the same team again. God is so good and I am learning to just trust more and more in His All-Seeing eyes.

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