October 31, 2011

My Wedding Anniversary

On my wedding anniversary, the Lord reminded me that He sees, He knows, He cares.

My pastor preached a message that Sunday called "Through the Darkness" Three main points: 1.Choose to commit to Christ instead of being inconsistant. 2. Choose faith over fear. 3. Choose comfort over sorrow

Sometimes...like in those first days, weeks, and months...I remember making these choices daily. Sometimes I chose wrong. My faith would get shaky, I'd be overcome with great fears, and sorrow seemed to engulf me. But the Shepherd would remind me He was there even though I couldn't see Him or even feel His presence. He was there and I would choose again to not give up on God, to believe and not fear, to accept His comfort and stand up again.

Grief is not the only thing that puts us in the valley of darkness. I pray, dear reader, that these words are a help to you and that you share it with others. This world is rough, very rough. We all need Jesus.

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