June 21, 2009

Sealer Tape

My son made a bookmark during Jr. Church today. "I love you, Daddy!" it says with two stars and a sideways moon that Snapp says is Daddy's face smiling. On the way home, he tells me he wants to hang it by its ribbon on the roadside memorial. So I needed to find sealer tape. We hoped to cover the scotch tape already on it with sealer tape to really help it against the elements.

I will be the first to admit that I don't have a place for everything and everything isn't in its place either. And I hadn't seen the sealer tape in my desk for awhile. So as I walked into our pantry after lunch, I whispered a prayer, "LORD, I need......" And before I could finish saying "sealer tape." THERE IT WAS!! At eye level, the roll was sitting on the pantry shelf:)

So once again God reminded me that HE knows exactly what I need before I even pray. And that HE has the answer before I even ask:) GOD is so good!!!!!!

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