June 23, 2008

Power of Prayer

Have you ever felt yourself being blanketed by peace and comfort, the heavy burdens of your heart being lightened and later learn of others praying for you? If you have never experienced this, I challenge you to share with others your burdens. Let your pride drop like muddy boots and let the prayers of others warm you.
Today was a tough day. And even the revelation of the post below this one didn't keep my head above today's grief wave. It hit hard and fast. I ran to my Heavenly Father and poured out my hurts and frustrations and disappointments in myself. Most often I feel His strength surrounding me and comforting me once I have wept like Hannah. But today that was not to be. I remained weary, weepy, and functioned on auto pilot. Experience has taught me that at times like these I need to call for reinforcements. I have several trusted prayer warriors who I turn to. And I did. As the day went on, I could feel the prayers surrounding me like a huge warm towel after a dunk in the frigid ocean. I felt the heaviness within gently be lifted. Towards evening, the Lord prompted a friend to call before she even got my message. That by itself touched my aching heart let alone the words of understanding and encouragement. A little later another friend called to set up a time for my boys to have Guy Time with her husband. She knew nothing of my difficult day or my conversation with the Lord about spending time just sitting at His feet. Now later this week the boys get a testosterone tune-up and I get a date with God. And I also had a contact from another about beginning a correspondence with a godly woman on this same journey. As I was able to look back on replies to my call for needing prayer, it was neat to look at the time various people responded. And how that corresponded with the hours I felt my heavy burden being lifted and lifted yet again. Just one of these would have been a reminder prayer is powerful. But all of them together just makes me stand amazed. So folks, don't let your pride hinder you from asking for prayer. Then prepare to be amazed. And on the flip side, know that your own prayers make a huge difference.

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